Patti Robbins
Commercial Customer Service Representative
How many years have you been with Walsworth? 32 years
Have you held any previous job titles with Walsworth? Customer service training manager, customer service supervisor, technical sales executive
The thing I love most about my job is… My favorite part is working with customers on a complex job and seeing everything come together. Also, my teammates are amazing.
The best customer interaction I’ve had at Walsworth was… It’s hard to list just one. I truly cherish the friendships that I have developed over the years with my customers.
Working at Walsworth, I’ve learned… To treat people the way you want to be treated.
When I’m not working, I love to… Spend time with my family and friends
I get inspired by… Taking some “me time,” going out in nature and appreciating its amazing beauty.
My favorite food is… Pizza
The best vacation I ever took was… With my mom and sisters in Florida