Lori Davis
Commercial Customer Service Representative
How many years have you been with the company? In December 2020, it was 31 years.
Have you held any previous job titles with the company? When I started here, I worked in the pre-press department, then I moved to accounting for several years working on paper inventories, timesheets and accounts payable. I moved to customer service about 19 years ago.
My hometown is… Portland, Missouri
The thing I love most about my job is… My customers. I work with some absolutely wonderful people and I love talking with them and of course helping them in any way that I can to produce a magazine. But also just getting to know them.
Working here, I’ve learned… That many of my customers are also long-time friends. Last year my 17-year-old daughter was in a horrible car accident where she was hospitalized for a month and then in a wheelchair for another couple months. My customers were some of my biggest supporters during this time. They called and left messages with my co-workers, they sent cards, emails and private messages. It was amazing and so appreciated!
When I’m not working, I love to… Spend time with my 17-month-old grandson! I LOVE being a grandma!
An uncommon fact people might not know about me is… I am heavily involved in state and local 4H shooting sports. I am a state coordinator and my husband is a state archery instructor. This means that we help with coordination and setup of the state shoot and the nine state teams that go to nationals each year.
I get inspired by… Kids. I just love working with kids and watching them develop and become their own person.
My favorite food is… Takeout. After 30+ years of cooking for my family I like nothing better than takeout of any kind on a Friday night.
My guilty pleasure is… I am an avid reader. If I have a good book I will read an entire day away.