Julie Huffmon
Customer Service & Pre-Press Manager – Missouri
How many years have you been with Walsworth? 35
Have you held any previous job titles with Walsworth? Secretary for customer service, CSR, computer support & R&D
My hometown is (where you grew up)… Mendon, Missouri
The thing I love most about my job is… Variety of things I do on a day to day basis
The best customer interaction I’ve had at Walsworth was… I love working with all customers, finding solutions and creating partnerships.
Working at Walsworth, I’ve learned… It takes all kinds of people.
When I’m not working, I love to… Work in the yard and go to my grandchildren’s activities
An uncommon fact people might not know about me is… I love to quilt
I get inspired by… New challenges
My favorite food is… Lobster
My guilty pleasure is… I love to travel
The best vacation I ever took was… Traveling to Europe