Krissy Dow
Receiving Plus – Brookfield, Missouri
In my day-to-day job, I do Expediting as part of Receiving Plus at Walsworth – Brookfield. This means I take pages from jobs and I either fix them and resubmit them or have customers fix them. I also deal with Photoshop and add pictures to albums on Yearbook 360.
Previously, I worked at Walsworth – Marceline, as a checker in the Bindery Department. I would help the operator and check the books as they came off the press.
I have worked at Walsworth for just over three years. I came to Walsworth as a temp in December of 2019. I then became full time in May of 2020 as a general worker. In the fall of that year I was promoted to the role of Tech 3. Then in January of 2023 I got to transfer to the Brookfield Plant.
When I first thought of coming to Walsworth it was because I was curious about how books were made. I was also curious about how factories work.
I think the thing I love most about my job is that no matter how much you know, you always learn something new every day.
If I had a personalized coffee mug at work, it would probably be a semi-colon and the words “Your storyis not over yet” because that saying is very important to me.
A fun fact most people don’t know is that I am actually deaf. I have a cochlear implant in one ear and a hearing aid in the other. But I never let that get in my way to achieve what I want. I am the way I am because of that, no matter the obstacle.
My family includes my husband, one-year-old daughter and three dogs. I am the middle child of my two sisters.
Outside of work, I like to mess with my flag when the weather is nice. I was in color guard in high school.I used to love painting but hardly have time for it anymore.
Working at Walsworth has opened me up and made me learn more about who I am.
I give back to my community by being kind. Kindness is the best thing you can give back to others.
One of my favorite memories from Walsworth is probably when we do stuff together. Like when there are dinners planned or fun activities.