Carmen Boswell
At Walsworth, I currently work as a Traffic Coordinator in the Shipping Department. Before that, I worked a brief stint in the cover department as a one knife operator cutting covers. Prior to that, I was in Commercial Customer Service as a CSR assistant where I learned about the fundamentals of putting a book together and other vital aspects of the print industry. I also learned how to use the AS/400 operating system. I’ve also served as a press helper fill-in here and there. My first role within the company was as a Bindery General Worker. Even though I currently have a desk job, it’s not unusual to find me helping out production in some way. Oh, and I have also recently added forklift operator to my repertoire!
In simple terms, in my day-to-day work, I – along with my co-shipper Jeanie Ford and supervisor Landon Teeter – manage all the logistics of all outbound freight from the Marceline plant. This yearbook season, I am controlling the movement of all small parcel orders, which are 10 cartons or less.
I’ve been in the print industry and at Walsworth for a short 2.5 years, but boy have I learned a lot!
I came to Walsworth because a good friend of mine who works in the pressroom referred me. My mom, who was a Navy veteran and an avid reader/knowledge gainer, instilled a deep passion for books in me. She worked for many years at Gumdrop Books in Bethany where I grew up and would read the classics to my brother and me growing up. I have an aunt and uncle who are both librarians and another uncle who has worked in the print industry my whole life. I guess you can say I have books in my blood and it was a natural fit!
I think the coolest thing about my job is putting books together! I’m not as hands-on with that now that I’m in shipping but I regard it as a true art form!
If I had a personalized coffee mug at work, it would say “Self-diagnosed Bibliophile.
I come to work every day because of my Walsworth family! Most of my family resides out of state and I have felt pretty lonely since the passing of my best friend, my mom. Since coming to Walsworth, I’ve gained an extensive work family, many of whom I really do consider family!
A fun fact about me is I’ve recently taken up a new hobby: spelunking! I did the “Adventure Cave Tour” at Cameron Cave in Hannibal last month. There were tight passages to squeeze through like “the wormhole” and “the birthing canal,” as well as 40 ft. ravines that you had to straddle or crab walk across all while wearing slippery clay-laden boots!
I have three children; 18-year-old Jay, 16-year-old Gavon, and Kit, who just turned 15. I also have an ornery blue heeler named Willow. They’re all definitely my monkeys, and it’s definitely my zoo, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world!
When I’m not at work, I enjoy reading, learning new things and skills that often develop into hobbies (like spelunking), hiking/spending time outdoors and going on adventures.
My background has been in nursing for most of my adult life. After losing my mom to cancer with the start of the pandemic, I decided to take a break from nursing. Walsworth has given me a new career that I am just as passionate about, that I can excel in and that provides me with the means to take care of my family.
A favorite memory I have here was when Willie Schmitt dressed up as a can of Manwich for Halloween!