Breanna DeBoer
Customer Service Representative, Ripon, Wisconsin
I am a Customer Service Representative. I work with the Sales Representatives and the customers to communicate projects with the plant and work to ensure the best experience for the customer. I receive the signed quote and write up the job which includes the type and size of project, how many pages, the type of paper and what color inks will be used.
Walsworth is my first experience in the print industry and I have been here for about five months. I wanted to try a new industry and Walsworth had a job opening. Since I have been here, I have been amazed with how much goes into printing and the process is truly fascinating.
The coolest thing about my job is starting with a quote and ending up with a finished catalog. It is neat helping create the project and seeing the final product because they always turn out great, no matter if there are hiccups along the way or not.
My personalized coffee mug would say: “Today is a good day to have a good day.”
I want to come to work every day because my co-workers are always understanding and we work well together, which makes jobs more enjoyable and less stressful.
I am married to my wonderful husband, Nic, and we have two dogs; Rue and Ryker. We rescued both of our dogs. Rue is a Great Pyrenes, lab, Saint Bernard and Bloodhound mix that had parvo when we got him at two months old. He would have been put down if we didn’t adopt him. Ryker is a mini Aussie Doodle and we became his third family when he was only six months old. They are both the most loveable and adorable pups! We highly suggest rescuing your future animals.
In my free time, I strive to work out every weekday morning, which I didn’t enjoy at first but I have started to miss it if I skip a day. I also enjoy lazy days watching shows and doing puzzles.
I haven’t been here that long, but my favorite memory so far is when my coworkers put memes up all around my desk for my birthday. It made me feel special and gave me a good laugh.