If you weren’t able to catch this informative webinar live, don’t fret! Just fill out the form below to access a replay of 8 Tips: Choosing the Right Printer for Your Alumni Publication.
If you weren’t able to catch this informative webinar live, don’t fret! Just fill out the form below to access a replay of 8 Tips: Choosing the Right Printer for Your Alumni Publication.
About your hosts
Pete Gersonde is a lifelong sales representative focused on creating long-term relationships. Pete started in the print industry in 1992 and became a part of the Walsworth team in 2010. He is located in Saint Joseph, Michigan, and works in the Midwest sales region. Some of his university accounts include the University of Notre Dame and West Virginia University.
Jason Marsh has worked in the printing industry for 27 years and has been with Walsworth for 13. Jason is located in Michigan and works in the Eastern sales region. Some of his university accounts include the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Western Michigan University and Haverford College.
David Vella has worked in the printing industry for 38 years and has been with Walsworth for 14. David is located in New York and works with accounts across the country. His major university account is Syracuse University, who works with Walsworth to fulfill a variety of printing needs.
Special Announcement: Documation will join the Walsworth family on Jan. 1, 2025. See the letter from Don Walsworth, our President.