Charlotte Williams
Commercial Customer Service Representative
How many years have you been with Walsworth? More than 20 years total
Have you ever held any other position at Walsworth? Disk librarian, data entry, disk verification lead, font specialist, trainer for InDesign, graphic artist, computer support, manager/trainer for Ed Walsworth, graphic specialist, CTP, premedia, covers, quality assurance, computer support… the list goes on!
What do you like best about your job? I love seeing everything come together and knowing that our input helped the customer with their project. I appreciate the people I work with in finding answers and solutions for our customers.
What are your interests outside of work? Spending every available moment in the Caribbean.
Working at Walsworth, I’ve learned… The value of hard work and pride in knowing the customer was happy with their end product. I’ve learned different approaches on training customers and co-workers on projects. I’ve learned patience and understanding when things go wrong.