Which email do you look forward to receiving most: an email from your best friend or an email from a massive corporation? And which of those two emails do you prefer to read? Easy choice, isn’t it?
So, if you’re interested in writing a successful marketing email to your audience, try toning down that corporate look and create a more minimalist email design. Write in a conversational, respectful voice.
Edit — Leave plenty of time for the editing and revision process. Grammar and style are just as important for email as they are for websites and blogs.
Test — Different email clients and mobile devices display emails differently. Send test emails to colleagues, or use a testing program to make sure your emails are going to look good on screens big and small. Testing reveals design mistakes before it’s too late, and testing programs can predict whether a campaign will get caught in a spam filter.
Format for mobile — If a campaign doesn’t display properly on mobile devices, especially one about a mobile app, it’s not going to perform very well. According to ReturnPath’s Email in Motion” infographic, 63% of Americans close or delete emails that aren’t optimized for mobile.
A few tips for announcement emails:
- Write as if you’re emailing one person only. It instantly makes your emails more personal.
- Write your first draft quickly. This will help your enthusiasm come through.
- Keep the email short. Long emails won’t get read.
- To increase email open rates, use an enticing subject line. Promise something good, and consider using power words.
- Use second person “you” in your email to keep the tone personal.
- Use your actual name as the sender address. This also promotes a personal tone.
- Feel free to personalize emails, but don’t repeat the recipient’s name too often, which can make your message seem scripted.
- Offer a carrot by giving people a reward for reading. In this case, be sure to include the good news of the extras available in the app.
- Have a clear call to action, like “download the app now,” and include multiple links to your app landing page to increase the likelihood of people clicking the link and following through on your call to action.