Last year, magazine media (print plus tablet) became a growing and preferred form of content distribution and consumption. Check out these notable facts (source: www.technologytell.com):
- The top 25 print magazines reach 48% more adults than the top 25 prime time television shows.
- There are currently 7,390 print magazines published in the U.S. today—the most in 10 years.
- 105 print magazines have been around and thriving for 50 years or more; only nine TV programs can boast the same.
- Magazines rank as the #1 medium for advertising acceptance (76%); TV ranked third.
- Consumers’ favorite places to look at ads: 45% print magazine, 23% TV show, 11% website.
Today’s successful magazine publishers understand they must be present in every platform (print, tablet, smartphone, or on the web) and they need to build brand awareness and make their content available anywhere, anytime and on any device.
Here’s the entire article from technologytell.com that reveals the relevancy that magazine publishers have today – and tomorrow:
“While early days results had been disappointing, it appears Apple’s Newsstand iPad magazine model is finally beginning to bear fruit in the form of revenues for magazine publishers. An analysis conducted by MPA – The Association of Magazine Media—using Kantar Media’s PIB Advance data for magazine ad pages and their tablet edition ad unit database—shows a 6% increase in the magazine media advertising footprint of print pages and tablet units for 2013. The MPA further notes that reports from major publishers and recent research confirm this positive trend.
All of the top 15 (and 44 out of the top 50) highest-grossing lifestyle apps in the iTunes Store are magazine brands according to iTunes/MPA data as of Oct. 15 2013. Six out of the top ten highest grossing news apps in the iTunes Store are magazine brands… [click here to read the entire article]