As freshly printed books, magazines or catalogs roll off the press, it’s time to send them out into the world. That’s where mailing comes in.
More than meets the eye
Customer Service Manager Jake Pschigoda believes mailing is a frequently overlooked part of printing because it can be a tedious process.
“The USPS has a five-inch thick manual of just rules and regulations and different postal types,” he explained. “To the common person, it’s painful. It’s hard to get anywhere in terms of understanding it.”
Walsworth maintains strict USPS compliance, including an on-site USPS representative to verify mailings.
Walsworth provides mailing solutions for both domestic and international mail. We work directly with each customer to determine the most cost-effective solution.
Customers who are new to mailing can rely on Walsworth’s expertise. They may simply give the specifications of what, when and how many they’re mailing, then allow Walsworth to figure out the best solution.
Some customers are already savvy and may even have their own mail expert. Working with Walsworth’s mail manager, Kerry Still, can identify even more desirable results, with mailing options a customer may not be aware of.
On occasion, Walsworth is able to make a big change for a long-term customer.
“We may have had the customer for 15 years, and when they came to us they were mailing first class. But they evolved over time, and now may fit a different mailing model that is significantly cheaper,” said Pschigoda.
Working with Walsworth
Interested in learning more about Walsworth’s mailing solutions? Contact us to start the conversation.