Your association performs an important function for people united by a common interest, career or goal. Members look to you for guidance, education and to stay informed. A well-run blog can be key to establishing your association as an authority in the field. However, many associations do not have the staff or experience needed to run a successful blog. Starting and maintaining a blog may sound simple, but it requires planning and upkeep.
Finding the Right Partner to Start or Run Your Association Blog is a useful tool for getting started and maintaining high standards when hiring a partner. Blogging can drive traffic, drive conversions, establish authority, demonstrate integrity to your members, and encourage participation.
Finding the Right Partner to Start or Run Your Association Blog explains the options available when choosing a partner for your blog. Does an individual writer or an agency better suit your needs? Who should oversee the content? This eBook can help your association find the right solution for you.
Hiring a blogger does not need to be expensive, but there will be cost involved. The eBook reviews the factors that will influence the cost to your association. The price charged will also likely influence the quality of the content your association receives.
This eBook describes the good characteristics to look for in a good partner, whether you opt for an individual writer or an agency. It explains how to delegate blog leadership and oversight.
The best blog in the world won’t do much good if nobody reads it. However, there are many metrics that can be used to determine success. Finding the Right Blog Partner to Start or Run Your Association Blog takes a look at the many ways to measure success. It explains what your association’s website needs for success, and what to expect from an experienced blog partner. Results won’t be instant, but this resource gives you an idea of what timeline to expect.
Download this eBook and start your decision process today.