If you don’t think people pay attention to your digital magazine ads, it’s time to think again. Digital ad engagement is the fourth part of our four-part series on the growth and influence magazine media apps are having with readers.
Our series touches on notable statistics from the 2013/2014 MPA Magazine Media Factbook, with the fourth part showcasing how effective digital ads can be.
Digital Ads vs. Print Ads
When it comes to noticing ads in a magazine, equal numbers of consumers are prone to noticing both digital and print. When it comes to taking action, however, digital ads take the lead. Seventy-one percent of folks who noticed digital ads took action, compared to the 59 percent who took action after noticing a print ad.
A full 67 percent are eager to purchase a product or service directly from the ad they viewed in the magazine app. Sixty-two percent want to buy a product or service directly from the feature or article they read in the digital magazine.
Effectiveness of Digital Magazine Ads
Digital ads also lead to positive results in the form of interactive and non-interactive actions, as outlined by the percentage of people who engaged in the action.
Interactive Actions by the Numbers
- 48: Used some type of interactive feature
- 32: Interacted with the ad by shaking, turning or moving it
- 32: Clicked or touched the ad to expand
- 30: Watched a commercial or video
- 30: Viewed more than one page of ad content
- 30: Accessed a website through the ad
- 28: Viewed a gallery
- 27: Clicked or touched the ad for more info
- 21: Accessed a social media network through the ad
- 19: Downloaded an app
When it comes to non-interactive digital ad engagement, 71 percent ended up taking some type of action. These actions included planning to view the advertised TV show or movie; considering purchasing the product or service; and seeking out additional product or service info. Others ended up with a more favorable opinion of the advertiser, visited the website or recommended the advertised item.
No matter how you break it down, digital ads are clearly effective on various levels. Keep their positive results in mind the next time you talk to your advertisers.