There’s a single-word backstory to how keynote speaker Don Peschke became publisher of August Home Publishing’s line of magazines – frustration.
Frustration prompted Peschke to start a magazine with the content he wanted for himself but couldn’t find. And, over the years, he’s expanded his audience by providing valuable content.
His advice to attendees at the 10th Annual Niche Conference in Austin, Texas, is for publishers to expand their thinking on how to repurpose the great content they’ve created in order to engage readers, grow audience and create new revenue opportunities.
After stressing the importance of print magazines as the basis for content distribution, two key engagement techniques he promotes are disaggregation and combination of content.
There are several important nuggets of information in any content piece you’ve created for your magazine. Run the main story in your magazine, and then split out some of the information nuggets and broadcast them via social media and email.
For example, if you have a story about cooking a great meal for guests, repurpose the tip on “how to quickly peel garlic” that’s contained within the article. Create a video demonstrating the technique, or create a graphic that visually describes the technique, and then promote those via email and social media.
Over time as a publisher, you will create a library of valuable information. Combine those concepts in a collection that your readers would find valuable and offer it as a special edition or book.
For example, one of Peschke’s publications, Woodsmith magazine, combined tips from several of its magazine articles, and created a comprehensive book about selecting and operating a wood router.
When asked about Peschke’s presentation, Chad Beatty, business development manager for Walsworth’s Commercial Division, said, “I’m impressed with how completely Don has implemented the content distribution techniques that I discuss with customers as we identify specific ways they can grow their business. And I’m even more impressed by the fact that he has gotten such convincing results without any advertisers.”
If your organization would benefit from a clearer understanding of where you should focus your efforts to grow audience engagement and revenue opportunities, please contact us to request more information about a Digital Presence Assessment today.