Lana Kilmer
Customer Service Representative, Brookfield, Missouri
I am a Customer Service Representative, starting in 1999, and have not held any other job titles. My job is very rewarding and I talk to people on a daily who sometimes become like family to me.
I started at Walsworth after seeing an ad in a newspaper. I was working for an attorney who was retiring, the job looked appealing to me, so I applied.
I love helping people and networking with all different kinds in different states and meeting them when possible.
My personalized coffee mug would say: Always be kind
The reason I come to work every day is I work with sales reps and customers who count on me, which makes me feel needed and important, which I take seriously.
A fun fact about me is I love to dance with anyone and everyone! I am the mother of three children. My oldest Lance passed at the age of 29 to cancer, my two daughters Lindsey and Lacey are in their 30s. I love 3s: I have three pets, KayCee cat, Oliver, and DayZee dogs.
When I’m not at work you can find me living the lake life, boating, napping, and spending time with my family and friends.
Walsworth contributed to bringing me back to my parents’ hometown. My parents were born and raised in Brookfield, I was born in Brookfield, raised in Chillicothe.
I am active and past president of the Eagles Auxiliary. I volunteer often. My passion is to help others in need.
My favorite memory of working at Walsworth has to be shortly after a new rep started in 2000, an artist and I traveled to a workshop. I introduced our Brookfield artist to my new rep, they hit it off that night, and are married and have a family all because I introduced them.