Kim Gallert
Commercial Customer Service Representative
How many years have you been with Ripon/Walsworth? Two years
Is there anything in particular that attracted you to the industry and/or customer service? I moved to Wisconsin in 2018 and had no printing experience. I did however have over 25 years in real estate in Seattle where I had a lot of experience in customer service and I enjoyed working with clients in a very demanding industry.
What do you like best about your job? I enjoy working with our clients and seeing the end results of their catalogs come together. It is a very fast-paced job and you are always juggling multiple things each day. It also helps to come into work each day and know that you have great co-workers who are always there to help out when needed. I learn something new every day in the printing word.
What are your interests outside of work? I enjoy working out, motorcycle rides and hitting up any type of festivals with my family that may be going on around the surrounding areas. I am still new to Wisconsin so we try and get out and enjoy as much stuff as we can. On Sundays, I cheer on the Cowboys and Seahawks!