Ninety-five words. That’s about the maximum length of a pay-per-click ad, including the headline, which means you better choose each and every word with care.
The headline usually gets about 25 characters, followed by a second and third ad line often containing up to 35 characters each. While the limited word count alone can make it feel like creating a PPC ad for your publication’s app is an impossible task, a number of tricks and tips can help you write one that makes people click.
The following best practices will help you write ads that people will actually click:
- Headline Section – Include your brand and keyword using proper case (where each word begins with a capital letter)
- Line One – Include the primary benefit – what should the person click; what’s in it for them?
- Line Two – State your offer and call to action
- Web Link – Create a custom URL, which includes a keyword
Other PPC tips:
- Use your primary keyword in your text and headline.
Your primary keyword is the search term people looking for your app are most likely to use to search for you. “Magazine app,” “digital magazine,” or something even more descriptive can work. Think “fashion magazine app,” “digital magazine for car buffs” or whatever other phrasing describes your type of publication.
- Use capital letters.
Capital letters can make your headline and text stand out from the crowd. They also help the ad appear more professional and easier to read. Use the same capitalization rules that apply to book titles, where nearly every word is capitalized. The only words not capitalized include prepositions, conjunctions and articles, unless any of those are at the beginning or end of your headline.
- Include the price and any special offers.
Putting the price in your ad’s headline can help people decide at a glance if you’re worth clicking and checking out. Including a price can often help a buyer make a quick decision, as price is one of the first questions that usually enter the mind. Special offers work as an incentive for people to click, so definitely mention any outstanding deals, special rates for first-time readers or any other promotions you may have in place.
- Explain what sets you apart.
What makes your digital magazine unique? What benefits do people get from you that they don’t get from other online magazines or even print magazines? Answer one or both of these questions and you’ll have the foundation for the text of your PPC ad.
- Think (and speak) like your readers do.
Clear, concise language to which your target readers can relate is the best way to draw them in. Skip marketing lingo or industry terms; stick with friendly language that makes people feel comfortable. Think like your readers would for setting up your keyword, opting for a term they’re likely to use. Your car buffs, for example, might be more prone to search for something like “car mag app” than “automobile digital magazine.”
- Go with vivid language that evokes emotion.
Making an emotional connection with consumers is a savvy way to entice them to try what you’re offering. Again, think like your readers to determine what message might connect best. Your fashion magazine app ad could use terms like “trendy,” “chic,” “hot” while encouraging people to dive into the latest fashion news and tips. What specific language and highlight would get people most excited to click?
- Include a strong call to action.
A strong call to action can help people take action by telling them exactly what you want them to do. You can keep it lean to preserve your limited word count, but make sure to keep it strong. “Download now” is always a good one, although you can certainly spruce it up a bit to make it more customized to your publication.
Well written pay-per-click ads elevate your brand exposure in your target market’s search results, helping increase awareness of your publication’s app and traffic to your site.