Walsworth is constantly striving to exceed the needs of our customers. There are some questions our Customer Service Representatives see more than others. We’ve answered them here, so you don’t have to ask when planning your next print project.
How should margins be set up?
The designer of a book has many choices for the look and feel of their project.
Walsworth has several options for binding types. As a general rule, we recommend keeping the margins approximately ½” from the gutter and at least ¼” from any trim edge for manufacturing. Different bind types may require more – such as mechanical bound projects that have drill holes.
We always recommend talking to your Customer Service Representative about your project. We also suggest you supply test files to our Computer Support. That way they can be analyzed in the beginning stages of your project if you have any questions.
What is the recommended bleed requirement?
Walsworth recommends a minimum of 1/8” bleed on any items that are designed to go off the edge of the book.
What is the recommended image resolution for 4/C and B/W images?
Walsworth recommends that you scan all photos at a minimum of 300 dpi. We recommend line art be scanned at 600 dpi.
We realize that designers are sometimes limited on their supplied images, so our Insite portal will alert you when an image is below 150 dpi. The decision to replace it will be left to you. This is just a recommendation to achieve the highest quality.
What types of proofing are offered at Walsworth?
Walsworth has a variety of proofing options. This includes soft proofs via our InSite portal, content proofs and color accurate proofs.
We have several options to choose from that can expedite and reduce costs when proofing your title. Your Customer Service Representative should discuss these options prior to submitting your work.
How do I obtain my ISBN?
This should be obtained before the book is printed. You, the customer, are responsible for obtaining the International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Walsworth will not provide it for you.
Your ISBN can be secured by going to the registration website for the United States and its territories. An ISBN is only needed if you plan to sell your book in stores, online or distribute it to libraries.
Walsworth’s technical support staff is dedicated to helping customers solve problems, avoid frustration, and ensure a successful print project. Contact us if you have print project questions.