What Is It?
The Wish List feature is a powerful way for catalogs to take the reader beyond looking at an item and using a dog-ear on the page. Customers can browse the catalog and add any item to a Wish List.
At any time the reader can review the items in the Wish List to evaluate item price, total price, apply a discount code and share via email.
The Wish List creator can use this feature to request a quote, share with co-workers, or send to their own email. If pricing is provided in the catalog, the Wish List will show the price of each item and total cost for the Wish List. Further, there is an apply discount code action that allows the user to apply his or her account-level pricing.
Why Would You Use It?
Wish List another example of how a Walsworth App can utilize a converted print page to make it easier for a customer to view, identify and share items of interest with others. Another important feature of the Wish List is that it does not require an existing eCommerce website.
The user indicates a Wish List item by selecting the icon to the left of Item No. After going through a quick registration process, the user is able to see all items placed on the Wish List.
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