Associations face many challenges, and in this day and age it can be a struggle to survive. Walsworth wants to help, and we’ve done so by creating a new eBook to assist associations with membership growth and retention called Making it Easier.
This eBook builds upon four cornerstones: engage, retain, balance and sustain. It covers how to engage with association members, how to retain those members, how to balance the mix of print and digital, and how to sustain your association by appealing to young people.
What it includes
Making It Easier includes advice and expertise from leaders in the field. This eBook includes steps your association can take immediately, as well as strategies for long-term success. It will help you understand how to handle the challenges facing your association.
Walsworth gathered information from the best. For the Engage section, we interviewed Tom Morrison, CEO of the Metal Treating Institute. He has been instrumental in helping MTI drive growth in the member value proposition, trade shows, annual conferences, online technical training and use of technology. Under Tom’s leadership, MTI’s net worth has grown more than 1,000 percent since 2006.
Kim Howard, CAE, is featured in the Balance section. She is president of Write Communications, LLC, where she helps clients create mission-aligned content for every channel for measurable results. She has more than 20 years of award-winning experience in association publishing, strategic communications, marketing, social media and management. An established leader in the publishing industry, she has held senior-level management positions for national and international trade associations, serving as the editor-in-chief or publisher of seven magazines. A skilled communicator, she has provided commentary and insight for industry trade magazines, consumer publications and online forums.
How to Get It
Walsworth is offering this eBook as a free download. Get your copy here.