Finishing touches can transform something mundane into something magnificent, and you want to make sure your app’s promotional plan has plenty of them. Finalizing your app is the second topic in our four-part series that outlines Walsworth’s exclusive “A Practical Guide to a Successful App Launch: 20 Helpful Tips.”
The finalization process takes place about one week before your actual launch. Its main aim is to finalize the app promotion blitz you kicked off in the earlier planning phase. You already started the buzz about your app, and this next stage of the game focuses on generating even more enthusiasm for and responses to your new app.
App Finalization 101
A prime place to showcase your app is on your website, and you have several eye-catching options. One is with a pop-up that explodes with the news of your app’s pending arrival. Make the pop-up double as an opt-in form where readers enter their email address in exchange for a special, limited-time app offer.
Dedicating a blog post (or several) to your app and how it will help readers is another option. Write the posts in advance, then publish them the first week of your app’s launch. One more idea is building a landing page on your website dedicated to your new app. Go for a single page, a collection of pages or even a microsite that’s all about your app.
Focusing on the extra-special content and advertiser deals within your app can keep the buzz going, as can an app giveaway campaign. Readers enter their email address for a chance to win a free app download, and you keep them in the loop with regular emails and promotions. Your app definitely deserves its own email campaign, as well. Test different versions on colleagues and friends until you land on the final, most effective message.
Several more ways to finalize app promotion include asking for more reviews from website owners and bloggers; sending a sneak peek to your fave customers and requesting feedback; and issuing a press release. Set up social media campaigns on various channels reminding people to give your app a whirl, and keep paid advertising in mind.
Check out Apple’s iAD Workbench where you can kick off a campaign for as low as $50. Once your promotional efforts are in full force, you’re ready for the next stage of your launch.
Ready for your app to make a splash? Grab our free guide now!